NewChapter Texas

Community Guidelines

1.1 Non-Negotiable Requirements 

  • Individuals with a conviction of a sexual offence, arson charges or violent convictions are not eligible for residency.

  •  Prospective residents must be employed, actively seeking employment or financially able to pay rent. 

  • Adherence to all community rules and guidelines is mandatory. 

  • Attend all mandatory meeting requirements, obtain a sponsor and work a 12-step or Smart recovery program that fits your personal recovery goals. 

  • Residents are expected to fulfill designated house chores and responsibilities as assigned. 

1.2 Guidelines for Alcohol & Drug Testing (Dismissals/Evictions)

  • For all New Chapter community members, the use of alcohol, illegal drugs or banned substances may result in immediate dismissal from community. All dismissals or evictions are handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • Refusal to submit to a breathalyzer, Urinalysis may result in immediate dismissal. 

  • In the event of a positive drug screening or breathalyzer, the community member may be dismissed/evicted from New Chapter housing.

  • If a community resident does not report the use of drugs or alcohol by another house member, both individuals will be dismissed and evicted from New Chapter sober living.

1.3 Community Members Responsibilities

  • Daily and weekly chores will be assigned to each resident of a New Chapter home in order to maintain a presentable and positive living environment.

  • Each New Chapter home will conduct a house deep clean once a week by all house members. (Day of the week determined by each house manager)

  • Residents of NewChapter must maintain cleanliness in their bedrooms and bathrooms. This includes making beds daily and ensuring that rooms are orderly and presentable at all times.

  • House managers will conduct room checks to ensure community members are fulfilling their responsibilities, fostering a recovery-oriented space. Additionally, scheduled random room searches will be implemented to maintain the integrity and supportive atmosphere of the house.

  • Residents are responsible for cleaning up after themselves (kitchen, dishes, refrigerator, trash, laundry, dining room, living quarters, etc.)

  • All community members must attend the weekly house meeting (day of house meeting to be determined by house manager).

1.4 Maintaining Integrity and the New Chapter Experience

  • All community members are expected to be respectful, professional, and working to flourish in their recovery and personal lives.

  • New Chapter provides an elevated living experience with positivity and empowerment to provide community, camaraderie and respect to the sober living experience. Residents will be held to a standard of living in order to ensure growth in recovery, personal and professional lives is possible for everyone. All accountability requirements are to be always met and abided by with no issues from residents.

  • All NewChapter homes are subject to uniform rules and expectations to uphold a consistent standard across all houses. There shall be no divisions among houses to ensure a unified and elevated positive living experience for all residents.

1.5 New Community Members

  • For the first 30 days, each new community member must adhere to the following requirements:

    • Attend 5 recovery meetings per week (AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery, church attendance, or IOP sessions)

    • Participate in at least 1 meeting with sponsor or therapist

    • No overnights will be permitted during the first 30 days

    • Observe a curfew: Sunday-Thursday 10:30 PM, Friday-Saturday midnight

Exceptions to curfew may be granted in the event of an evening/night work schedule.

  • New Chapter residents after 30 days:

    • Attend 3 recovery meetings per week (AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery, church attendance, or IOP sessions)

  • Continue meeting with sponsor or therapist with attendance communicated to New Chapter management team. 

  • 2 overnights will be permitted per week. Overnights to be evaluated and approved by house manager and New Chapter management team.

  • Curfew: Sunday-Thursday 11:30 PM, Friday-Saturday 2:00 AM

*Curfew exceptions can be made in the event of an evening/night work schedule

1.6 Medications

  • During the admission process, new residents must disclose all prescription medications prescribed by physicians, residential treatment facility, and or psychiatrist. 

  • Controlled substances will be stored in a locked secure location and accessible to the resident with the assistance of the house manager. 

  • All residents are expected to take their prescribed medication as directed by their physician. 

  • Residents are responsible for obtaining medication refills and scheduling doctor’s appointments in order to continue their medication maintenance program.

  • Any resident abusing or sharing medications with other community residents will result in immediate dismissal/eviction. 

  • Banned medications: Narcotic pain medications, Vyvanse, Benzodiazepines-Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin.